

在奥运会结束后,由Dominique Perrault规划设计的奥运村将容纳近6000名巴黎市民。照片由Elise Robaglia拍摄,点击放大。游泳馆可容纳5000名观众。照片由Simon Guesdon拍摄。因此,与近年来集中比赛场馆在城市某一区域的几乎所有其他东道主城市不同,巴黎将在奥运村18英里半径内的25个场地上分散比赛场馆——除了位于410英里外的马赛的帆船比赛。这第三届巴黎奥运会的成功完全取决于人员运输。

Sophie Liao

Sophie Liao's journalism career is marked by her fearless pursuit of the truth and her dedication to giving a voice to the voiceless. As a fluent speaker of Mandarin, Cantonese, and French, she brings a unique multicultural lens to her reporting, making her a trusted source for news among the Chinese-speaking residents of France.

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